Lisa and Noah’s story: Taking fundraising to new heights

This mother and son duo have been long-standing supporters of our hospice and in our 40th year, they will be taking their support to new heights as they prepare to jump out of an aeroplane! Ahead of the big day, we caught up with Lisa to hear more about their motivations and why St John’s means so much to them.

Last year, my son Noah and I abseiled down the 262ft ArcelorMittal Orbit to support the hospice. Given my fear of heights, this was no mean feat. In 2024, the hospice’s 40th year, we are challenging ourselves even further and taking things to new heights… with a skydive on June 15th!

Lisa and Noah ahead of their abseil down the Olympic Park's iconic ArcelorMittal Orbit in October last year.

This 5000ft tandem jump is far beyond my comfort zone, but I am taking on this challenge to continue raising critical funds and awareness for St John’s, a hospice that is very dear to my heart.

Supporting families is at the core of what this incredible place does best. They looked after my dear friend Bernie with extraordinary care and compassion for many, many years and they made her final days comfortable and peaceful. It is an experience that has inspired me to give back and ensure that others in similar circumstances can receive the same level of care and support.

Lisa with her dear friend Bernie who attended our hospice and spent over 20 years fundraising to support us. By taking on this skydive Lisa and Noah will be continuing her legacy.

Bernie was my childhood nanny. In fact, she was the person who saw me take my first steps. Bernie straddled four generations of my family, my childhood and then regular involvement when my husband Steve (whom Bernie adored) and I had our two sons, Noah and Louis. Bernie was a part of their lives from the day they were born. She knitted for them. She came to their Bar Mitzvahs. She spent Christmas Day with us and came for tea on Sundays. We knew everything about her, every like and every dislike. And I think she knew ours. She was a kind woman and oh-so generous. She would have written the thank you letter before the day out.

A sweet family snap of Bernie with Lisa's now grown up sons, Noah and Louis.

Bernie spent over 20 years raising funds for the hospice which she called home and I’m proud to be continuing her legacy. Every pound and penny which Noah and I raise from this skydive will support St John’s Hospice directly, enabling them to reach more people and bring comfort, dignity, and immeasurable care to those most in need.

We’re so grateful to Lisa for sharing her story with us and wish her and Noah the very best of luck for their jump. To date, the mother and son duo have raised over £1,500 in sponsorship to support our hospice. If you would like to support them, please visit their JustGiving page at

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